Blog Archives

Mount Hertzl

April 27th 2011

Going into the mind of a visionary is always a fascinating ride. While traveling in Israel, be sure to find yourself on top of Mount Hertzl in Jerusalem. On those grounds is a military cemetery as well as the burial site of many great Israeli leaders including Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, and the great visionary, Theodor Herzl. “If […]

The Dead Sea Wonder

April 26th 2011

If you haven’t yet traveled in Israel to the Dead Sea, you are missing the most bizarre water adventure of your life. The Dead Sea shores, being the lowest place on Earth where one can stand, are 420 m below sea level. Pretty unusual. So unusual that gravity doesn’t act how it usually does, and […]

What and who is Bahai?

April 22nd 2011

Some people might erroneously believe that Israel is all desert, but boy- are they wrong! There’s nothing that screams “not just a desert land” more loudly than the gardens which are located in the north of Israel in a land called Haifa. There, you will find an incredibly lush experience; the Bahai gardens. Perhaps you […]

2011 Maccabi Games

April 21st 2011

Now this is cool. Calling all teens, ages 13-17. If your teen has the smallest inkling to visit the Holy Land, tell them about this amazing opportunity to not just travel in Israel but also compete there in the 2011 Maccabi Games. In terms of Jewish sports competition, this is the big time. On July […]

Sea of Galilee Swim-a-Thon

April 21st 2011

If you’re not exactly the running type, and the Jerusalem Marathon wasn’t your thing, there are still lots of way to exercise your way through your Israel tour. On Wednesday, May 25, find yourself at the Sea of Galilee, ready to swim your way to helping out those in need at the Swim4Sadna swim-a-thon. Another […]

Priestly Blessings

April 14th 2011

Biblical times are here again! Travel in Israel back in time. For a few hours at least. The second day of chol hamoed Pesach, go back to where and when it all happened- the First Temple in Jerusalem. Which means, roughly translated nowadays, meet you at the Western Wall. There will be a huge event […]

Tiberias Water & Light Show

April 14th 2011

Spend a night out in Tiberias and catch this amazing multi-sensory experience. This spectacular show features dancing fountains with pyrotechnics screened onto jets of water reaching over ten meters high! The show also includes laser technology and a state-of-the-art light and sounds system that is sure to blow you away. It gets even better – […]


April 13th 2011

The Midrachov is the point where the ancient spiritual Tzfat meets the busy modern city. The Midrachov’s shops and cafes are set against the most breathtaking views that are unique only to the mystical city of Tzfat. You can sip a refreshing drink or enjoy a meal while taking in the view of the historic […]

The Citadel

April 13th 2011

The Citadel is a beautiful park which boasts scenic views and also the remains of a historic Crusader castle, now housed in a new archeological park. Located at the upper most point of this ancient city, you can see the surrounding hills and mountains and across to the Sea of Galilee. The Citadel Park was […]

The Davidka

April 13th 2011

 Just close to the beginning of the Midrachov shopping street and the top of the Great Stairs, you will see the Davidka cannon. This cannon played a crucial role during the Israel War of Independence of 1948. Though a very basic weapon, this cannon was effective more due to its great noise than anything else. […]

Big Matzah & Mini Israel

April 12th 2011

There is something so cute about things in the miniature. And as mesmerizing as the Western Wall is, the miniature replica of it, complete with praying, swaying, mechanically animated mini people all in exquisite fine detail, is just too precious to pass up. Luckily, this Passover, Mini Israel is having a special deal on all […]

Passover in Hebron

April 11th 2011

This Passover, while you’re traveling in Israel, you might as well visit some long-lost relatives. You know, the ones you lost touch with years ago, the ones your ma and pa told you stories about, and the ones who go waaaay back to the beginning of Jewish history. In other words, if you want to […]

Gush Katif Museum

April 7th 2011

An interesting situation: On the news, back home, all you hear about Israel is the conflict, the politics, the strife. When you’re here vacationing in Israel with your Israel group tour, all you experience are the amazing people you meet, their rich, deep personalities, the calm, breathtaking scenery, the fantastic cultural events, and the depth […]

Camel Land Israel

April 7th 2011

Camels are an Israeli tourist’s best friend. Unless the person wants to get somewhere really quickly, in which case, an Israeli cab driver with a heavy foot is his best friend. But otherwise, when trying to get back in touch with our forefathers who roamed the Middle East on the slow saddles of these funny […]

Druze Village Experience

April 3rd 2011

The best way to really get to know a person is to sit down and have a nice, long, luxurious meal with him. Which would be the perfect way to get to know, say, a totally different culture that totals about 100,000 residents of the Israeli population- the Druze. Except, of course, the technical difficulties- […]

Postcards have become hip again.

March 31st 2011

While the world has been smitten by the fast paced lifestyle of the internet in the last decade, people are beginning to crave those good old days when they could open up their mailbox and see a snail-mail postcard staring back at them. The FreshPaint Festival is tapping into those old fashioned, snail mail cravings, […]

Birthright Israel, like you didn’t know

March 30th 2011

Birthright Israel. The opportunity to travel FOR FREE in Israel. The latest news: February 15, 2011. Thousands of different sets of hands were poised above their keyboards, waiting for the exact moment in which registration would begin. In the first minute that it did, 1,000 of them signed up. In the next seven days, over […]

Bob Dylan in Israel

March 27th 2011

Could it be? Is it true? It is! After reports floating around the web for weeks, Bob Dylan’s promoter Marcel Avrahams has finally confirmed that Dylan is indeed stopping over in the Holy Land on a world tour that sweeps through Asia and ends in Denmark. The concert will be held on June 20 at […]

Rockefeller Jerusalem – Ice Skating

March 24th 2011

Grab your ice skates, roll onto the ice, and show us your moves in a beautiful ice arena in the middle of the city. No, you’re not at Rockefeller Center in New York City. Rather, you’re vacationing in Israel in the middle of the spring/summer. That’s right. Touring in Israel, ice skating in Jerusalem , […]

Gene Simmons Tours Israel

March 23rd 2011

Once an Israeli, always an Israeli, regardless of whatever costume you put on, be it ten inch platform shoes or sci-fi  makeup and huge black hair. Gene Simmons, known to the music world as the famous Kiss bassist who sold 100 million records and did outrageous stunts, was nine years old when he left Israel.  At the […]
