Blog Archives

Places in Israel to Learn More About the Haganah and Palmach

March 9th 2020

Prior to the establishment of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1948, the Jewish population of Palestine (the yishuv) had to rely on local defense groups to keep themselves safe. After the Arab riots in 1920, an underground military organization was formed which became known as the Haganah.  The Haganah protected Jewish settlements […]

The Best Theaters in Tel Aviv for Visiting Theatergoers

February 17th 2020

When it comes to modern culture – modern Israeli culture – Tel Aviv is the place to be. It’s a major hub of culture and entertainment, both in the local region, and indeed worldwide. The majority of the nation’s theaters and performing arts centers are located here, making it an ideal destination for visiting theatergoers.  […]

Movie Theaters in Jerusalem Ideal for Visiting Movie Buffs

February 10th 2020

With so many fascinating things to see and do, your time in Jerusalem might already seem action-packed. Yet sometimes, after a few days of exploring and traveling, you just need to take things a little easy. And where better to sit down and relax than in one of Jerusalem’s many movie theaters?  Visiting movie buffs […]

6 Luxury Hotels in Jerusalem Within Walking Distance of the Old City

February 3rd 2020

Jerusalem’s Old City is the most important tourist destination for the vast majority of visitors arriving in Israel. It is, therefore, no surprise that nearby are a number of luxury hotels offering guests a convenient, comfortable, and upscale place to stay for a few nights. All of these hotels are within walking distance of the […]

5 Things to See Just Outside Jerusalem’s Old City Walls

January 28th 2020

Mention Jerusalem and many people will picture the famous sites found within the Old City Walls. From the Temple Mount and Western Wall to the Tower of David and Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the ancient city area is filled with fascinating places of cultural and historical importance. Yet just outside the City Walls are […]

5 Fascinating Ancient Tombs to Visit in Israel 

January 20th 2020

Given the Holy Land’s long, varied, and fascinating history, it will come as no surprise that Israel is a land filled with ancient tombs. This is especially the case in and around Jerusalem. Some are actual places of burial while others are simply monuments to great figures from Biblical times.  When visiting the capital, or […]

6 Beautiful Parks in Tel Aviv Perfect for a Family Picnic 

January 13th 2020

Every great city needs beautiful parks – and Tel Aviv is no different. The nation’s second city (also known as the ‘Non-Stop City’) is a thriving and energetic metropolis but dotted within are a number of green areas where you can find a spot of peace, relaxation, and family fun.   For touring visitors, the parks […]

4 Hot Springs in Which to Relax When Touring Israel

January 6th 2020

Israel is a land famous for many wonders, both natural and manmade. Among the natural features that make the Holy Land truly remarkable are the numerous thermo-mineral hot springs dotted throughout the region. They offer visitors a chance to relax in warm waters rich with healing salt minerals.  The natural hot springs in Israel are […]

7 Amazing Archaeological Discoveries in Israel During 2019

January 3rd 2020

Israel lies in one of the oldest regions of continuous human settlement in the world – the Near East. It’s position between three different continents means the Holy Land has seen the migration and flourishing of countless peoples and civilizations through the millenia. It’s no surprise therefore that every year – every month – there […]

5 Things to Do in Tel Aviv North of the Yarkon River 

December 26th 2019

When you look at a map of Tel Aviv, you could easily be forgiven for thinking the north of the city ends at the Yarkon River. This long river, the largest coastal river in Israel, meanders its way from Tel Afek (Antipatris) in the center of the country to the Mediterranean Sea, coursing through the […]

3 Delicious Winery Tours in Israel’s Galilee Region 

December 17th 2019

Wine is a booming industry in Israel. Despite its small size, there are over 250 commercial and boutique wineries dotted throughout the country. Not least in the beautiful Galilee region, where the rolling green hills, warm temperatures and relatively high rainfall provide excellent conditions for winemaking.  Situated as it is in north-central Israel, the Galilee […]

Amazing Things to See and Do in the Judean Foothills

December 10th 2019

To reach Jerusalem from Ben Gurion airport, you’ll inevitably travel through the beautiful Judean Foothills. This is a soft-sloping hilly region of Israel roughly halfway between the Holy City, nestled in the Judean Mountains, and the port city of Ashdod on the Coastal Plain.  Also known as the Shfela, or Shephelah, the foothills have been […]

Ancient Historical Sites in Israel’s Gush Etzion

December 3rd 2019

Just south of Jerusalem, in the rolling Judean Hills, are a group of settlements collectively known as Gush Etzion. This beautiful agricultural region is filled with ancient historical sites and stories stretching back to Biblical times. It was in these very hills where the Patriarchs walked and where pilgrims travelled to the Holy City.  Today, […]

Fascinating Ancient Archaeological Sites in Israel’s Golan

November 19th 2019

Some of Israel’s most fascinating and ancient archaeological sites can be found in what today is called the Golan Heights. Far back in Biblical history, the region was referred to as “Bashan” and during the First Temple era was ruled in part by the Jewish kingdom of Israel.  The modern term “Golan” is derived from […]

Israeli War Memorials in the North of Israel

November 11th 2019

The north of Israel has seen its fair share of conflict and war. From the long-forgotten battles between ancient empires (such as at Tel Megiddo) to the military confrontations still within living memory (including the Six-Day War), the northern hills have seen it all.  And it’s in this region where numerous war memorials can be […]

Beautiful Lookout Points in the North of Israel

November 5th 2019

The north of Israel is hill country. From Mount Carmel on the coast to the mountains of the Golan in the east, there are resplendent elevated landscapes that have played an important part in the human history of this area. And it’s from some of these high positions, in the form of lookouts, where you […]

5 Great Things to See and Do Near Mount Hermon

October 28th 2019

Mountains, snow, and skiing – three words usually associated with countries other than Israel. Yet the Holy Land is blessed with a diverse landscape and in the far north of the country, visitors can climb mountain peaks, go skiing, and see snow nearly every day of the year. The mountain peaks, collectively known as Mount […]

Fascinating Below-Ground Attractions in Jerusalem

October 22nd 2019

Picture Jerusalem and you’re likely to visualize the beautiful cityscape of the Holy City, including the Western Wall and Temple Mount. You might also think of the Mount of Olives, the bustling Shuk, or the ancient winding streets inside the Jewish Quarter. Yet just beneath the surface are a number of fascinating below-ground attractions, which […]

6 Interesting Places in Jerusalem to Shelter from the Winter Rain

October 14th 2019

Jerusalem in the rain is a beautiful sight, and for Jerusalemites, a most welcome one. It doesn’t rain a lot in Israel, compared to elsewhere in the world but when it does, it can really pour. These winter “rains of blessing” are vital for Israel’s overall water supply, so few locals complain. However, for tourists, […]

5 Outdoor Places to Visit During Israel’s Winter Season

October 2nd 2019

Summers in Israel can be very hot, and for many people, the heat and near-constant sunshine can be a little too much. This is especially the case for the elderly, infirm, and the very young. That’s why many visitors choose to arrive in the cooler months of the winter season.  If you’re planning to tour […]
