Blog Archives

Tiberium Light Show

February 28th 2014

One of the city of Tiberias’s most compelling attractions, the Tiberium Light Show mixes two giant screens, dozens of skittering water fountains, artistic laser lights, music and pyrotechnics to create a dazzling display of water and light. Located along the southern section of the promenade on the bank of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) in […]

Ein Hod Artist Colony

February 25th 2014

Established in 1953, the Ein Hod Artist Colony is a quaint village that sits among the lower slopes of Mt. Carmel in the Haifa region. Working together with the well-known, Romanian-born artist Marcel Janco, a group of artists developed the idea of organizing a creative habitat at Ein Hod. Their vision was to live together, […]

Vered HaGalil Horse Ranch

February 17th 2014

Founded in 1961, when its hilltop was not much more than brush and black basalt rocks, Vered HaGalil was the dream of owners Yehuda and Yona Avni. Today, Vered HaGalil is a professional horse farm, overlooking the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and offering leisurely horseback riding tours that vary from one hour to a half-day […]

Dag Al HaDan Restaurant

February 17th 2014

While touring Israel’s north, don’t miss the Dag Al HaDan restaurant, a worthy destination unto itself. Particularly known for its gourmet trout dinners served streamside, the Dag Al HaDan restaurant is surrounded by the Dan and Hazbani streams, the main tributaries of the Jordan River. Located in Kiryat Shemona in the Upper Galilee, Dag Al […]

Coral Beach Nature Reserve in Eilat

February 9th 2014

Whether you’re an underwater enthusiast or an absolute beginner, if you’re looking for a place to admire Israel’s impressive little corner of the Red Sea coral reefs, then the Coral Beach Nature Reserve is the ideal destination. Coral Beach is located just south of the city of Eilat, offering snorkeling and scuba diving experiences and […]

Baha’i Gardens in Akko

February 9th 2014

Although the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa are the more well-known among world travelers, the Baha’i Gardens in Akko are ironically considered more sacred in the Baha’i tradition. The Baha’i Gardens in Akko are known to members of the Baha’i faith as The Most Holy Sanctuary and serve as a popular pilgrimage site. Collectively, the Baha’i […]

Subterranean Crusader Halls

February 6th 2014

In 1994, an underground tunnel more than 1000 feet in length was discovered in the northern port city of Acco. Archeologists posit that the tunnel was built during the Crusader era (1095-1291) by the Templar Order, a group of knights who took that name because they first settled on the Temple Mount in the Old […]

5 things you didn’t know about Megiddo

February 2nd 2014

The ultimate battle at the End of Days is prophesied to take place at a spot called Armageddon, believed by many to be the oft-contested small hill in Israel’s southern Galilee known as “Har Megiddo,” Mount Megiddo. As a result, experts planning tours of the Holy Land consider the archeological ruins of Megiddo National Park […]

Museum of the First Aliyah

February 2nd 2014

A tribute to the region’s earliest Zionist settler, the First Aliyah Museum is dedicated to the story of approximately 25,000 immigrants, mostly traditional Orthodox families, who came to Ottoman-era Palestine between 1882 and 1903, in order to escape pogroms and anti-Semitism. The museum, which opened in 1999, is housed in a historic 120-year-old building that […]

Tel Shiloh

January 28th 2014

In ancient times, Tel Shiloh was the capital of Israel and the center of religious worship for the Jewish people. It held that special status for close to 400 years. The Biblical city of Shiloh was the place where the Tabernacle, which preceded the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, stood for 369 years. Tel […]

Kfar HaNokdim Village

January 28th 2014

Kfar HaNokdim Village offers Bedouin-style hospitality, culture and tradition mixed with gorgeous desert scenery. Your first impression of this Judean Desert oasis is likely to be one of astonishment. Palm trees, biblically themed gardens and desert buildings decorate the village. Guests can enjoy an entire Bedouin meal in a traditional, open-sided Bedouin tent. The meal […]

Zichron Yaakov

January 19th 2014

If it’s quaint charm you’re looking for, Zichron Yaakov is the place to visit. Here, on a historic slope overlooking the Mediterranean coast, you can walk along the stone-lined pedestrian mall and explore the many boutiques and local shops, nestled among restaurants and coffee shops, wineries, art galleries and artists’ workshops. There’s much more to […]

Ben Gurion Hut

January 16th 2014

There’s something very special about walking into the modest southern kibbutz hut where the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, lived his later years. The furnishings, books and clothes have been preserved exactly as they were when David and Paula Ben Gurion lived here while the State of Israel was still in its […]

The Tale of David Shirazzi

January 7th 2014

The landmark Tel Facher military base overlooks the majestic Hula Valley from atop the Golan Heights. Visitors today can experience Tel Facher in nearly the same way it looked in 1967, when Israeli forces bravely captured the base from Syrian hands. The most visible difference is the addition of a memorial that was added to […]

Considerations for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall

December 31st 2013

On any given Monday, Thursday, Saturday and other days when the Torah is read publicly, scores of Bnei Mitzvah celebrations can be seen taking place at the Kotel. An experienced tour agency will be able to assist you with the information and bookings that your family needs to make a Kotel coming-of-age ceremony everything you’re […]

10 Reasons Israel Is a Meaningful Place for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah

December 31st 2013

The eternal homeland of the Jewish people, Israel has unparalleled emotionally arousing appeal as the place to be for any family planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. A meaningful ceremony and celebration can be matched with a tour of the Holy Land that includes equal parts Jewish spiritual heritage, ancient history and family vacation fun. […]

Metzudat Koach – Metzudat Yesha

December 30th 2013

Located in the northern Galilee, very much off the beaten path, is Metzudat Koach, a memorial to 28 soldiers who were slain defending nearby communities during Israel’s War of Independence in 1948. Just before withdrawing their troops from Palestine, the British Mandate authorities abandoned the strategic fort that they had built to overlook the Hula […]

Kennedy Memorial Forest

December 30th 2013

Not far from the Ein Kerem neighborhood in the southern part of Jerusalem is a forest and a memorial dedicated to the memory of America’s 35th president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963, was admired by ordinary Israeli citizens for his open support of the young country. In 1960, JFK said, “Israel […]

Hamat Gader Hot Springs

December 27th 2013

During the period when Rome controlled what is now Israel, the therapeutic hot springs complex at Chamat Gader was the second largest bathhouse in the entire Roman Empire. Today, Chamat Gader is a lively recreation resort and landmark spa village, one of the most popular attractions in the Galilee. Located on the southeastern Kinneret (Sea […]

Kibbutz Kfar Szold Statue Gardens

December 25th 2013

A picturesque kibbutz located on the seam that runs between northern Israel’s Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights, Kfar Szold attracts visitors for its pastoral beauty, its history as a haven for Holocaust refugees and its remarkable sculpture park. A highlight of every visit to Kfar Szold is Zvika’s Statue Garden. Back in 1982, during […]
