Israel Tour Sites

Central Israel Sites
Filled with fascinating museums, wildlife parks, kibbutzim, and universities, central Israel is the country’s “Heart Land”

Israel Coastal Sites
Israel’s breathtaking ancient coast is home to a myriad of beautiful nature reserves, historical and modern museums, as well as some of Israel’s finest wineries.

Judean Desert
Filled with breathtaking views, discover the historical battle between the Jews and the Romans and learn about the cross roads of ancient civilizations.

Galilee & Jazreel Valley
Filled with national parks, incredible museums, and impressive ancient ruins. If you’re looking for adventure, this region has the perfect setting.

Golan Heights Sites
Explore the Golan’s national parks, wineries, and historical battle grounds. For some fun try jeeping or rafting down the Jordan River!

Gush Etzion Sites
Adventure into the historical hills just outside of Jerusalem and learn about some of the most important Jewish sites in all of Israel.

Jerusalem New City
Israel’s modern capital contains the best museums in the country, endless shopping and cuisine, year-round festivals, and days of fun for all!

Jerusalem Old City
The heart of Israel, the holiest place in the world. Jerusalem’s Old City holds 3,800 years of history ready to be experienced!

Negev Desert & Eilat
The Ramon Crater, the Negev Mountains, the beachtown resort of Eilat- the south of Israel has it all! Also a short day tour to Petra is within your reach!

Tel Aviv & Old Jaffa
Stretched along the beautiful beach strip of the Mediterranean, Tel Aviv is Israel’s largest city and biggest commercial center, and heart of Israel’s nightlife!

Tiberias & Jordan Valley
Tiberias- The Holy City of Water. Take time to reflect at the graves of Judaism’s great sages, and relax in the mineral springs, or enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

Holy Tzfat & Meron
The Holy City of Air, explore synagogues and the artists quarter along the cobblestone streets in the city that has been the center of Kaballah since the 1600’s.

Wineries & Breweries
In every region of Israel boutique Israel wineries & breweries have transformed into “must-see’s” while touring Israel!