Blog Archives

Tomb of Zechariah

March 22nd 2011

At the foot of the Mount of Olives lies the sacred tomb of Zechariah. Zechariah’s tomb is considered to be a great symbol of the Holy City for two reasons. The first is that the Mount of Olives is the place where the Messiah will take his first steps; and the second is the fact […]

Tomb of Rachel

March 22nd 2011

Discover the restored tomb of the Biblical matriarch, Rachel, wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph and Benjamin. According to the Bible, Rachel was buried on the Bethlehem road located at the entrance of Bethlehem in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo. Sir Montefiore received permission from the Turkish Sultan, and refurbished and expanded the tomb to […]

Tomb of Rachel in Tiberias

March 22nd 2011

At the Tomb of Rachel you’ll learn all about Rabbi Akiva’s wife, Rachel. This century-old domed tomb is located in Tiberias, and has since been a place of pilgrimage where many light candles and pray. The great love story of Rachel and Rabbi Akiva started when Rabbi Akiva was working as a shepherd for Rachel’s […]

Rabbi Pinhas Ben Yair

March 22nd 2011

When visiting Safed, it is customary to visit the tomb of Rabbi Pinhas ben Yair. The great sage was the son-in-law of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a sage in the second century. Rabbi Pinhas was well known for his humble disposition and did not want anything on his tomb since he believed that people should […]

Tomb of Yehuda Nesia

March 22nd 2011

The great Rabbi Yehuda Nesiah, who is the grandson of the famous Rabbi Judah the Prince (R. Yehuda HaNasi), was head of the Sanhedrin in Tiberias and lived from 230 to 270. Yehuda Nesiah was famous for reconciling opinionated sages to stress the importance of Torah education. The tomb was built during the Roman period […]

King Davids Tomb

March 22nd 2011

Where is King David buried? Archaeologists may never find the answer to that question, but that has not stopped thousands of pilgrims, worshipers and tourists from visiting the sarcophagus on Mount Zion traditionally thought to hold the famous king’s remains. The tomb is located in a thousand-year old building and is always surrounded by Jews […]

Tiberias Cemetary

March 22nd 2011

The ancient cemetery of Tiberias is situated next to the lakeside promenade of the Sea of Galilee. This burial site is considered sacred because of the Babylonian Talmudic tradition that describes Tiberias to be the first city that will resurrect the dead during the time of the coming of the Messiah. Historically, the cemetery dates […]

Katzrin Talmudic Village

March 22nd 2011

At Katzrin you’ll receive a one-of-a-kind tour of the reconstructed ancient Talmudic village. As you walk through the paths, you will encounter a restored courtyard, kitchen, living room, pantry and bedroom. The region’s farmers continue to use many of the daily objects which have all been mentioned in the Talmud, which are also on display […]

Tel Shilo

March 22nd 2011

Tel Shiloh is the site where some scholars believe the Tabernacle stood. Unquestionably, Tel Shiloh is one of the earliest religious sites for the Jewish people which has made a religious, cultural, and political impact on the Land of Israel ever since. Historically, the territory was inhabited by the tribe of Ephraim; it was the […]

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

March 22nd 2011

Visit the white-domed grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and learn about his fascinating role in the history of the Jewish people. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is known as the author of the Zohar and an important rebel against Rome. Thousands of visitors travel to his tomb in Meron every year, and the site is […]

Mount of Olives

March 22nd 2011

Among the most ancient sites in all of Jerusalem is the Mount of Olives. Situated to the east of the Old City of Jerusalem, the mountain has been home to a Jewish cemetery for close to 3,000 years. The cemetery is still in use today and remains the most important Jewish cemetery in the entire […]

Meah She’arim Neighborhood

March 22nd 2011

A stroll through the Me’ah She’arim neighborhood in Jerusalem is a visual and culturally eye-opening highlight of many trips to Israel. The neighborhood serves as the primary hub of ultra-Orthodox life in Jerusalem, and the main drag, called Me’ah She’arim Street, is lined with Judaica shops, bookstores, kiosks and places to eat that evoke the […]

Kidron Valley

March 22nd 2011

While you’re in Jerusalem visit the Kidron Valley, located between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives. Here you will find the oldest graves of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, including Zechariah’s Tomb (a First Temple priest), the Tomb of the Sons of Hezir (a Second Temple priest family) and Absalom’s […]

Jerusalem – The Holy Capital

March 22nd 2011

The question is not whether you should visit Jerusalem, but how you will manage to leave! Jerusalem is both the ancient and modern capital of Israel and blends together the old and new in a tapestry of experiences.  Visit the Old City and wander through its different quarters; touch the Western Wall and feel the […]

IDF Tactical (Tourist) Training

March 17th 2011

All Israelis at 18 are expected to enroll in the army, including women (the Israeli army is the only army in the world with mandatory army service for women). And their mission is a special one- to protect and guard the Jewish People and their homeland so that it will continue to remain a strong, Jewish […]

Mamilla Hotel, Mamilla Mall, Mamilla Shopping Center

March 16th 2011

Mamilla Hotel, Mamilla Mall, Mamilla shopping center. If you lived in Israel 100 years ago, you would be shocked at the dramatic shift in architecture and prestige of this section of town. If you lived in Israel 5 years ago, you would be surprised the project ever got done. Israeli tour guides will have a […]

Israel Museum 2011 Exhibits

March 15th 2011

To look inside the mind of artists is a fascinating journey into another world.  On your Israel vacation, journey into The Israel Museum. Besides housing the old and the traditional (including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest Biblical manuscripts in the world, a must see for any Israel tour) the museum also houses very new, […]

Segway-ing Tel Aviv and the Grand Beach Hotel

March 14th 2011

Segwaying Through Tel Aviv and the Grand Beach Hotel Let’s talk about the Grand Beach Hotel in Tel Aviv. Directly across from the Mediterranean, it is a newly renovated hotel with a fabulous rooftop pool and gorgeous sundeck. It’s the north most hotel on the Tel Aviv strip, with the board walk beginning across the […]

Israel Sports Radio

March 9th 2011

Why should a dedicated sports fan forget all about their precious New York Knicks once they cross the ocean and leave the Big Apple behind them? Who will join or relate to them at 1:30 in the morning in Tel Aviv, when they are gearing up alone (with Israeli Bamba and Chocorificis of course) to […]

Bible Lands Bat Mitzvah

March 6th 2011

It’s your daughter’s bat mitzvah, so you and the whole family show up in your fanciest attire- take that camera man!- to the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem’s “Museum Row”. The girl of honor leads you around the exhibit; knowingly pointing out information about the Egyptian artifacts that came from Joseph (and the Technicolor Dreamcoat)’s […]
