Ancient aqueducts are ubiquitous throughout the Holy Land yet if you don’t know where to look, they are easy to miss. These man-made water supply channels were developed throughout different eras in Israel’s history, from the Iron age through to the Hellenistic period and most notably, the period of Roman rule, when the systems were […]
After spending some time in modern Tel Aviv it can be easy to forget just how significant the nearby ancient coastline really is. Israel’s central plain has been inhabited for more than five and a half thousand years, through many different eras and civilizations. And you can gain a sense of this history when traveling […]
Israel’s ancient history stretches back millennia. Nearly every footstep you take when you visit the Holy Land is a step that has been walked by famous names from throughout the ages. Whether you are visiting the capital Jerusalem or touring sites in the Galilee, Golan, or Negev, the rich historical narratives of the ancient peoples […]
The ancient city of Haifa, situated on the slopes of Mount Carmel in northern Israel, affords visitors an array of great photo opportunities. Perched on a mountainside overlooking the sparkling Mediterranean Sea, Israel’s third city contains both resplendent photogenic backdrops and a fascinating cultural mix of peoples and sights. Haifa is home to both Jews […]
In the rolling hills of the Upper Galilee lies the beautiful ancient city of Safed – known locally as Tzfat. It’s the highest city in all of Israel and is considered one of the nation’s four holiest cities to Jews. Safed is distinctive, not only for its elevation but also for its mystical importance and […]
Before the era of flight, the sea was the primary route for visitors to reach the Holy Land. Israel’s ancient port cities were bustling entry and exit points for many different peoples throughout the ages. From soldiers, scholars, and traders to pilgrims, clergy, and returning exiles, the port cities of Jaffa, Caesarea, and Akko were […]
Israel is blessed with a diverse landscape. From the plains and deserts in the south to the rolling green hills and snowy peaks in the north, for such a small country it has nearly everything. When it comes to taking great photos, there are so many wonderful backdrops. Israel’s desert regions are particularly beautiful. They […]
One of the most photographed cities in the world is Jerusalem. And for good reason. It’s a city of beauty in every way, from the majestic architecture nestled in the rolling Judean Hills to the ancient history that can be felt in every footstep. It’s no wonder Jerusalem is the perfect Instagram backdrop for millions […]
Noam.armonn [CC BY-SA 3.0] It’s difficult not to feel the momentous history in the air when visiting Jaffa Port. Considered to be one of the oldest ports in the world, dating back 7000 years, it’s also mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, most notably in the Book of Jonah. It’s long and varied history as a […]
Ron Henzel [CC BY-SA 3.0] On November 4, 1995, in the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv, a horrific event took place. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated at the end of a peace rally, shocking the nation and the world. Shortly after the tragedy, the square in which the rally took place […]
The Neve Tsedek Neighborhood of Tel Aviv The Neve Tzedek neighborhood of Tel Aviv is the oldest in the entire city. The first settlements were built by Mizrahi Jews who sought to escape the overcrowding in nearby Jaffa, and the district predates the formal creation of Tel Aviv in 1909. Today Neve Tzedek is one […]
For a relatively young country, the State of Israel has seen its fair share of conflict. It is therefore not surprising there are numerous military memorial sites across the nation. From the fight for independence in 1948 to the modern era of terrorism, there are many poignant yet proud memorials to Israel’s war dead. When […]
The Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem is one of four quarters within the walled Old City. It’s been the near-continuous home of Jews for thousands of years and contains dozens of synagogues and other significant attractions of historical and cultural importance. Up to two thousand people (mainly religiously observant Jews) live in the Jewish Quarter and […]
Love art? There’s art galore to be enjoyed in the museums of Israel and its variety is breathtaking. From handmade Judaica crafts and old religious artworks to world renowned modern paintings and sculptures, and so much in-between, there’s something for everyone who appreciates beauty. There are art museums and galleries in most cities throughout the […]
Tiberias is an ancient city located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee (known locally as the Kinneret). The surrounding region contains some of the most beautiful natural parks within northern Israel, most of which include notable sites of historical and cultural importance. The city of Tiberias is one of the four holy […]
It’s hard to know how many synagogues there are in Israel but estimates put the figure at over 10,000. With Israel being the homeland of the Jewish people and with a rich history dating back many thousands of years, it’s no surprise there are some very significant synagogues to visit when touring the Holy Land. […]
A Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah is a momentous occasion for any Jewish family, marking the joyous milestone when a Jewish child has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish adult. Before such an important event, it’s vital the boy or girl understands their new status as well as the meanings behind the […]
When it comes to stamps of approval for a location, a UNESCO World Heritage Site status doesn’t come much bigger. In Israel there are 9 such landmark sites and each one is a testament to the history, peoples, and diverse natural beauty of this ancient land. When visiting Israel, it’s well worth taking time to […]
If you’re a wine lover and you’re visiting Jerusalem any time soon, then a small detour to one of the region’s wineries might be in order. There are several winery tours near the Holy City which provide wine connoisseurs with a taste of Israel’s flourishing wine industry. The beautiful vineyards in the Judean Hills, just […]
Despite the unjust criticisms often leveled at Israel, the Jewish State is one of the most multicultural nations in the world. In numerous cities across the Holy Land you can find people from many different cultures, religions, and ethnicities, mingling and working together, generally in peace and fellowship. From the north to the south, you’ll […]