Blog Archives

A Thousand Nights and Lod

June 21st 2011

A Thousand Nights and Lod; a physical and musical makeover. There’s nothing like taking a place that has been down in the dumps for a while and uplifting it to a place of class and popularity. So on various dates throughout the upcoming crisp October nights, be a part of the change, as the city […]

The German Colony

June 15th 2011

The German Colony and its Complicated Templer Roots Located in the heart of Jerusalem is a place famously known as The German Colony. To those wary of the German country land due to WW2, you must ask : What is the significance of this place? Who lived here? And what is it like now? The […]

Big Lebowski Jerusalem Fest

June 15th 2011

Chicago’s done it, London’s had it, and Jerusalem for the first time ever, is bringing it into the Eastern Hemisphere. What is it? It’s a trend that is taking the world over by storm. Move over, Rocky Horror Picture Show, we’ve got another cult classic ( The Big Lebowski) taking center stage and regaling the […]

Graves of Holy Sages, Tiberias

June 6th 2011

Visiting graves of righteous people is an important element of a successful Israel tour in order to connect with the vast array of courageous souls who undertook the difficult task of uplifting the Jewish people spiritually and physically throughout history. Up in the spectacular coastal town of Tiberias, lies a number of extremely important Jewish […]

Four Sephardi Synagogues

June 5th 2011

Of all of the famous prayer sites to visit on your Israel tour, a stop in Sephardi land is essential, specifically within the Jewish Quarter of the Old City at the four adjacent locations of what is known to those in the know as the “four Sephardi synagogues of Jerusalem”. Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue Don’t […]

The Golan Heights

June 2nd 2011

Literally a wondrous breath of fresh air on your Israel vacation for those craving to get off the bus and onto a rough terrain vehicle, feeling the wind racing through their hair as they adventure through the beautiful and varied lands of the Golan.  Note for the more quirky amongst you: dune buggies are also available for usage. […]

10 Days Israel Experience

June 2nd 2011

12 Days Israel Adventure

June 2nd 2011

13 Days Israel & Petra

June 2nd 2011

15 Days Israel & Petra

June 2nd 2011

Mud Building Eco Tour

June 2nd 2011

Experience Israel hands-on as you get your hands dirty on this fun and interactive eco tour!

Jerusalem Scavenger Hunt

June 2nd 2011

Grab your mission pack and search high and low for the real treasure of Jerusalem!

Jerusalem Political Tour

June 1st 2011

Join our exclusive political tour to see and understand the challenges facing Israel’s capital.

Jerusalem Wine Tours

June 1st 2011

Tel Aviv Food Tour

June 1st 2011

Be introduced to a wide variety of ethnic cuisines that comprise the contemporary culture of Israeli food

Nachlaot Art Tour

June 1st 2011

Hidden in the enchanting courtyards and allies sit artists quietly creating their next masterpiece.

Jerusalem Revival Tour

June 1st 2011

What was Jerusalem like before it expanded beyond the Old City walls? How did life outside the walls begin?

Dead Sea Relaxation

June 1st 2011

Head to the Dead Sea for a day floating in therapeutic waters – the ultimate relaxation!

Jerusalem Art & Cuisine

June 1st 2011

The Nachlaot Neighborhood, The Jerusalem Market, Jaffa Street- experience the “real” Jerusalem!

Elijah’s Cave

May 31st 2011

In the beautiful world of Haifa next to the beach lies the prophet’s haven. Who was Elijah? Scripture sees him as a prophet, who used this cave to gain strength before returning to defeat the pagans who worshipped Baal. Elijah lived in the 9th century BCE. The Cave was also the location he returned to […]
