Walk into any travel agency or click on any general travel site on the internet, and your head will soon be swimming with dozens, if not hundreds, of potential destinations that are some combination of exotic, relaxing, affordable and/or exciting. There are so many wonderful places in the world to see. But a trip to […]
Israeli wines win international competitions on a regular basis. But did you know that craft beer-making has been gaining traction in Israel in recent years as well? Here are five amazing Israeli microbreweries to check out, many of which offer in-house restaurant-pubs and fun factory tours. Dancing Camel Brew-master David Cohen was living in the […]
Every country has its own distinctive taste sensations, and Israel is no different. Here are six drinks you’ll want to try while you’re visiting. Arak Hard liquor that tastes like licorice? That’s arak, the clear, unsweetened, flavored spirit sold all over Israel. At 40 to 120 proof, it packs a punch. Reminiscent of Greek ouzo, […]
Israel tour participants seeking to memorialize the country’s deceased prime ministers can visit their tombs at locations including Mount Herzl and Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and Kibbutz Sde Boker in the Negev. Four Greats at Mount Herzl What Arlington National Cemetery is to the United States, Mount Herzl is to Israel. Also known as […]
How to Tap Into Israel’s Film Scene, Past and Present With subtitles, assigned seating, intermissions that often take place at inopportune moments and kosher candy at the snack bar, going to the movies in Israel is something special. Israeli films have been garnering accolades overseas in recent years, and the country is doing what it […]
Following in the Footsteps of Yehuda Amichai, Israel’s Greatest Modern Poet Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) is best known for writing romantic free verse in contemporary Hebrew, a language he learned as a child born to a Jewish family in Germany. He is considered by many to have been the greatest poet of contemporary Israel. Amichai’s work […]
Dolphin Reef Beach At Dolphin Reef Eilat, there are no scheduled dolphin performances with tricks and costumes, but plenty of opportunity to interact with dolphins in their natural habitat. Dive, swim or snorkel with them, or just spend the day on the facility’s private beach and enjoy watching the dolphins from the floating docks! The […]
Menachem Begin was Israel’s 6th Prime Minister. Born and raised in Poland, he identified as a passionate Zionist his whole life. As a young man, he was a peer leader in Poland’s Beitar, a right-wing Zionist youth movement. He was arrested in Poland for his Zionist-related political activities and, upon release, made aliyah to pre-state […]
If it’s live music you’re craving, Israel has you covered. From the Negev Desert to the mountains of Tzfat in the Galilee, Israel’s music scene is both brisk and bustling. Here are our picks for the best music performance festivals in Israel. The Oldest Music Festival in Israel For three days in August, the Negev […]
There’s so much more to Israel than ancient ruins and holy sites. Israel is a vibrant, cosmopolitan, innovative nation that loves its tech, leisure, commerce, lifestyles, gastronomy and culture. Israel has received much international acclaim in recent years for many of its cultural exports, but perhaps no Israeli artistic discipline is as universally praised as […]
David Ben-Gurion, born David Grün in Poland in 1886, was a leader of the Zionist movement in Mandate-era Palestine and became the first prime minister of Israel in 1948. Under a towering portrait of Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl, it was David Ben-Gurion who declared the independence of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 […]
You may know Moshe Dayan only as the iconic Israeli defense minister in the 1960s who wore a black patch over his left eye. A visit to these sites will help you learn much more about the life of one of Israel’s most prominent and divisive historical figures. Dayan was born in 1915 on Kibbutz […]
Thanks to the country’s location at the junction of three continents, hundreds of millions of birds representing thousands of species fly over Israel every year. This phenomenon makes Israel an excellent destination for birding enthusiasts. Below are three spots that are considered to be especially amazing for checking out the fowl in flight. Birds of […]
If members of your family balk at the idea of spending time in museums, the innovative Palmach Museum could completely change their minds. Along with the cutting-edge Herzl Museum and Menachem Begin Heritage Museum in Jerusalem, the Palmach Museum offers an immersive role play experience, designed to be experiential rather than passive. The Palmach Museum, […]
If you want the true Middle-Eastern shopping experience, head over to the Jaffa Flea Market (“Shuk HaPishpishim” in Hebrew) for the widest variety of one-of-a-kind items that you just won’t find in a shopping mall or a chain store. The best way to enjoy the Jaffa Flea Market is without a list but with a […]
It’s hard to imagine what might give adventurous international travelers a more effective taste for local culture than its street food. In Jerusalem, like cities all over the world, relatively inexpensive eats are available at stalls, stands and counters all over town. Here are our top three picks for street food stands you really must […]
New York has Fifth Avenue and Broadway. Paris has The Avenue des Champs-Élysées. London has Downing Street and Piccadilly Circus. Jerusalem has Ben Yehuda Street, King George Street and Jaffa Road. And Tel Aviv has Dizengoff Street, Shenken Street and Rothschild Boulevard. Located right in the heart of Tel Aviv, Dizengoff, Shenken and Rothschild are […]
Visiting the Tombs of Biblical Figures While Touring Israel The surreal brew of ancient and modern is a big part of the magic of Israel. Few places enable visitors to connect with the spirit of days long gone like the burial places of Biblical figures. Here are three especially meaningful ones worth including in your […]
Israel is a country of immigrants, with each formerly exiled local community having brought its distinct dishes to the national menu. So to get the most out of your upcoming tour of Israel, make sure your palate is ready for adventure. Below are three staple foods of Israel that you might have never heard of […]
Have you heard of the Canaanites, Egyptians, Hittites, Persians and Philistines but have little grasp of who they actually were or what their cultures were like? The Bible Lands Museum explores how the various peoples mentioned in the Bible, including the ancient Hebrews, actually lived. This may be the best place in the world to […]