Blog Archives

Katros House – The Burnt House

September 13th 2010

Katros House – The Burnt House The Burnt House belonged to the priestly Katros family which was burnt to the ground by the Romans in 70 CE during the destruction of the Second Temple, and excavated in the 1970’s. The museum consists of rooms unearthed beneath the streets of the Jewish Quarter and houses many […]

City of David

September 13th 2010

City of David The City of David Archaeological Park holds some of the earliest artifacts in Jerusalem’s history. There are exhibits dating back to the fourth millennium BCE, all the way to the Byzantine era during the Middle Ages. Visitors to the City of David will first notice large city walls, a 13-meter stone building […]

The Four Sephardic Synagogues

September 13th 2010

The Four Sephardic Synagogues One of the Old City sites you don’t want to miss during the Jerusalem leg of your trip to Israel is the building which houses the Four Sephardic Synagogues. The synagogues were built at different times beginning in the 17th century, and they adjoin each other. These community centers played a […]

Wohl Archaeological Museum

September 13th 2010

Wohl Archaeological Museum – The Herodian Quarter The Wohl Archaeological Museum explores six magnificent homes that have maintained preservation since the Herodian period, during the rule of Herod the Great, ruler of Jerusalem and architect of the Second Temple. Located 3-7 meter below the streets of the Jewish Quarter, on display in the museum there […]

The Hurva Synagogue

September 13th 2010

The Hurva Synagogue The Hurva Synagogue is today known as a center for World Jewry. First built in the early eighteenth century, it was destroyed only a few years later and laid in ruins for over a century. In 1864, the synagogue was rebuilt and was known as the primary Ashkenazi synagogue in Jerusalem. However, […]

The Jerusalem Archaeological Park and Davidson Center

September 13th 2010

A visit to the Jerusalem Archaeological Park in the Old City provides opportunities to walk in the footsteps of ancient ancestors. With ancient picturesque plazas, the Southern Wall’s holy excavations and the Davidson Center’s virtual displays, the Jerusalem Archaeological Park certainly qualifies as a must-see.  Stroll through the archaeological ruins to soak up the atmosphere […]

Jerusalem’s New City – Great Tour Sites

September 13th 2010

JERUSALEM NEW CITY TOUR SITES Haas Promenade (Tayelet) Ammunition Hill Bible Lands Museum Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum Israel Museum & Model of Jerusalem Machne Yehuda “Shuk” (Market) Ben Yehuda Street Mount Herzl Museum Jerusalem Time Elevator Zoological Garden (The Biblical Zoo) Local Jerusalem Neighborhoods Hutzut Hayotzer Artists Colony

Hutzut Hayotzer Artists Colony

September 13th 2010

Hutzot Hayotzer Artists Colony Two years after the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, a no-man’s land between the New and Old City of Jerusalem was transformed into an artist’s colony. It contains studios and galleries of 24 carefully selected Israeli artists creating in both traditional and contemporary styles in the diverse art fields of Painting, […]

The Nachlaot Neighborhod

September 13th 2010

Nachlaot is a quaint Jerusalem neighborhood established in the late 19th century and  still retaining its old-world charm. Wander through the narrow alleys and marvel at the historic houses, courtyards and small synagogues. Nachlaot is in the center of Jerusalem, right between the bustling Mahane Yehuda shuk and the Ben-Yehuda shopping district, but the neighborhood […]

Zoological Garden

September 13th 2010

Jerusalem’s Tisch Zoological Gardens, also known as the Biblical Zoo, offers animal lovers of all ages an up-close and personal look at the animals mentioned in the Bible, as well as other popular zoo animals. This modern zoo showcases animals in their natural habitats — wide open spaces where the animals can roam freely, rather […]

Mount Herzl National Cemetery

September 13th 2010

Israel’s national cemetery, Mt. Herzl is named for Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism, who is also buried there. Mt. Herzl is located in western Jerusalem, not far from Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. These two memorials make the area a poignant destination for all visitors to […]

Machne Yehuda “Shuk” (Market)

September 13th 2010

Machne Yehuda “Shuk” (Market) Jerusalem’s bustling outdoor marketplace is a popular attraction for Jerusalem locals and tourists alike. Locals visits Machne Yehuda or simply, “the shuk” (meaning “market”) to haggle with the 250+ vendors for the best prices on fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, cheeses, spices, wines, baked goods, house wares, clothing, and Judaica; while […]

Haas Promenade (Tayelet)

September 13th 2010

Haas Promenade (Tayelet) The Haas Promenade (Tayelet) is located in Talpiyot, and from the apex, visitors are able to get a breathtaking look of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Biblical tradition holds that at the site of the promenade, Abraham was shown the site of Mount Moriah for the binding of […]

Hebron – Holy City of Earth

September 13th 2010

  The holy city of Hebron, located 30 kilometers south of Jerusalem, is known most for the Cave of the Patriarchs (Ma’arat Hamachpela), resting place of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs. Established in ancient times, Hebron has been home to a continual Jewish presence, from Joshua’s conquest of the Land of Israel all the way […]

Gush Etzion

September 13th 2010

Currently home to some 20 thriving communities and 20,000 people, the Judean Hills block known as Gush Etzion did not have an easy start. Today it’s the perfect region for exploring Zionist and Biblical history, Israeli rural living and adventure tourism. The first Zionist settlers came to Gush Etzion in 1927, established, and then quickly […]

Kfar Etzion

September 13th 2010

Kfar Etzion is a religious kibbutz located in the southern West Bank. Founded in 1927, it was established as a farming community known as Migdal Eder. In 1929 it was destroyed during the Palestinian riots, and rebuilt in the 1930s as Kfar Etzion. It fell again after 1948 but was re-established once again in 1967. […]

Rachel’s Tomb – Our Matriach

September 13th 2010

Rachel’s Tomb, or Kever Rahel, is located near the northern entrance to Bethlehem, on the Israeli side of the West Bank barrier. It is the burial place of Rachel, one of the four matriarchs mentioned in the Bible. Rachel is known as the eternal mother who cares for all her children during times of distress. […]

The Golan Heights – Paradise

September 13th 2010

GOLAN HEIGHTS TOUR SITES Agamon Ha-Hula Manara Cliff Jordan River Rafting Mount Hermon Tel Hazor National Park Tel Dan National Park City of Katzrin Golan Magic Welcome Center Gamla Mount Bental The Valley of Tears Tel Facher

The Judean Desert – Tour Sites

September 13th 2010

DEAD SEA & MASADA TOUR SITES Dead Sea Masada Qumran Ein Gedi

Tel Facher Syrian Base

September 13th 2010

Prior to the Six Day War of 1967, Tel Facher was the strongest and most important Syrian base in the northern Golan Heights. For several decades, Syrian guns on Tel Faher dominated and terrorized the entire region. During the Six Day War, however, Israeli troops fought one of the fiercest battles in Israel’s military history, […]
