The Golan Heights: The Jewel of Israel

July 8th 2016

The Golan Heights, aside from being a much-talked about political area, is a stunning expanse that is flanked on all sides by breathtaking nature. To the north, there is the Hermon Mountain; to the south is the Yarmouk River; the Hula Valley and Sea of Galilee are to the west; and a lovely wadi rests to its east. The next time you’re visiting Israel, be sure to stop off in the Golan Heights and check out some of the hot spots that lie within this beautiful area.

Foodies Converge

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Maybe it’s the air up there, but there seems to be a larger array of palette pleasures than usual in this area. You have the Golan Heights Winery and Odem Mountain Winery, spots where you can take a tour and a taste of some of the finest wines Israel has to offer. Kids and adults will really enjoy the De Karina Chocolate Factory where you see how these yummy delights are made and where you can make your own gourmet chocolate to take home. And when you’re ready for dinner, the Dag Al Hadan restaurant is the place to be. Built around the Dan River, this eatery offers a tranquil and nature-filled dining experience you won’t soon forget.

Get Up & MOVE!Jewel of Israel 3

For some more intense action, travelers will enjoy a rigorous ATV ride at Moshav Dishon or jeeping tours across the Golan Heights. If you enjoy riding, then the Vered HaGalil ranch will deliver a hands-on adventure you’re sure to enjoy. Lastly, you can really get up close and personal with the land of Israel by planting a tree at the Golan Junction. Headed by the Keren Kayemet L’Israel – Jewish National Fund, tourists and locals alike have planted over 240 million trees in an effort to make this world a cleaner, healthier, greener place!

Relax On Your Vacation TooJewel of Israel 2

Finally, the ultimate indulgence and the one you will never forgive yourself for skipping is Hamat Gader hot springs. This expansive 40-acre park contains a cornucopia of invigorating ways to lavish your body with some healthy and relaxing love. From the rejuvenating hot springs to exotic spa treatments like Thai or Shiatsu massages, this is the perfect way to begin or end your stay in Israel.

The Golan Heights is filled with some of the most beautiful, exciting, and delicious stops along the Israeli borders. So set your itinerary early, and get in as many of these fabulous sites as you can!
