Blog Archives

6 Places in Jerusalem to Take Your Kid Before Their Bar/Bat Mitzvah

April 17th 2019

A Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah is a momentous occasion for any Jewish family, marking the joyous milestone when a Jewish child has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish adult. Before such an important event, it’s vital the boy or girl understands their new status as well as the meanings behind the […]

Flying High in Tsfat, a Bar Mitzvah in style

February 8th 2011

Having your son’s bar mitzvah at the Western Wall is no doubt an unbelievable opportunity. But say you to wanted to be different, do something more out of the Israel ordinary… where would you go? What would you do? Otzar HaStam of Tsfat has already got an answer for you, with a complete Bar Mitzvah […]
