Doing Safed Right: What to do in the Holy City
July 28th 2017
Safed (aka Tzfat in Hebrew) is a well-known city for mysticism, exquisite art galleries, and some unusual characters. But, is this a tourist destination or just a waste of time? That depends on whether you enjoy culture, history, and beautiful architecture. If the answer to that question is yes, then you’re going to love Safed! Here are a few things you can enjoy doing when you spend the day up north.
There are a surprising number of museums packed into this small mountain city. Some of the more culturally interesting ones are:
HaMeiri Museum highlights 19th-20th-century life in Safed
Hungarian Museum documents the pre-war Hungarian-speaking Jewry
Otzar HaStam walks you through the process of a scribe’s work, but offers a lot more than that!
Dairies & Wineries
Safed also has more than its fair share of wineries and dairies. Maybe it’s something in the air, but some of the most delicious beverages and dairy products come out of this fine city, and the walking tours of the factories, vineyards, and distilleries are more than a little interesting and lots of fun. Check out the Meiri or Kadosh Dairy Farms and Old Tzfat and Abohav Wineries to name just a few.
Even when you’re not going to pray, these prayer houses are beautiful examples of ancient architecture, stunning wall motifs, and mosaics you won’t be able to take your eyes off:
Ari (Ashkenazi and Sephardi)
Yosef Caro
Not to be morbid, but grave hopping is a common activity for people who visit Safed. That’s because some of the most prominent spiritual leaders are buried here, and once you’re in the neighborhood, why not stop on by and say a short greeting? Some of the most significant gravesites include:
Nachum Ish Gam Zu
Rav Alkabetz
Yosef Caro
Hosea the Prophet
Chana and her seven sons (debated)
Candle Factory
Finally, you don’t want to miss out on the Safed Candle Factory. Not just an ordinary candle manufacturer, this factory produces some stunning works of art, all out of candle wax. In the store, you can also enjoy some scenes from the Bible like Noah’s ark and David & Goliath expertly crafted out of wax.
There’s also tons of art and culture, historical sites, and nature to explore. Safed is always interesting and has something for everyone, so don’t miss out on the enjoyment of visiting this beautiful city.