Inbal Hotel – Holy Twitter!
January 31st 2011
The Great Tweet Up
The Inbal hotel in Jerusalem is more than technologically savvy. It’s determined to use technology to make things happen . So synchronize your phones to the information coming out of this blog, and get ready to tweet.
On Sept 2, 2010, something happened at the Inbal Hotel that has never happened in Jerusalem before- the city’s first ever hotel Tweetup.
Are you muttering to yourself – “ What on earth is a Tweetup?” Well, mutter no more!
I’ll explain-
Twitter,a social networking site, allows people to connect with each other through posting short messages, no more than 140 characters, on their user profile page. People who “follow” a certain account get notified of their new “tweets” ( posted messages). Twitter, understandably, is sometimes referred to as the text messaging system of the internet.
The fearless Inbal hotel jumps on the Tweeting wagon, and decides to actually bring together people with common interests together, at an event in their hotel. Their vision: An awesome, random party in which no one really knows each other, meeting for jazz and drinks in a posh hotel courtyard. A sure fire way to be spontaneous and adventurous, yet also safe and sophisticated place at the same time ( a rare combination). Inbals proceeds to set up a Twitter account, and the tweeting begins.
Advertising a Tweetup, word quickly spreads through Twitter and FB about the upcoming event. On September 2, the Inbal’s vision became a reality, as Twitter followers from around the city gathered to celebrate in a festive, technological reunion; a meetup, a Tweetup.
Then, again, on the 8th of December, Inbal was at it again- a Special Hanukkah Tweetup. As they promised “Have your doughnut and tweet it too!”
To all those people who huffed and puffed that the internet would slow down direct human interaction- the Inbal hotel is out to prove you wrong. Meet your friends online, THEN meet them in person! The best of all worlds.
Microblog yourself into a really good time. Go to , and sign up to receive tweets from them on upcoming events. And join the Inbal Hotel FB page while you are at it .
How far can Twitter get you? Twitter is now an answer to your deepest prayers. Literally. Well, pretty much. At least it can direct them towards a really, holy location in order to get a good response- the Western Wall. If you sign up for, you can send private messages to this Twitter account. Your private message prayer will be printed out and delivered straight to the kotel. On Oct 2, the founder of TweetYourPrayers for The Kotel Twitter account delivered 3,812 printed out prayers to the crevices of the holy site’s walls.
So tell anyone back in your hometown whose upset they haven’t been back to the Western Wall since their bar mitzvah; all is not lost. You can Tweetup with God at the Western Wall, and ask for some Divine Guidance, without leaving the comfort and safety of your own living room.