A tour of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, is not to be missed when touring Israel, and perhaps the most memorable part of any Knesset tour is taking a photo in front of the iconic Knesset Menorah sculpture. The original menorah, a seven branched candelabra, stood in the Temple and has been a symbol of […]
Over 300,000 tourists make their way to Hadassah’s Ein Kerem hospital each year specifically to view Marc Chagall’s famous windows in the chapel. The Chagall Windows bring both light and art to the Abbell Synagogue at the Hadassah University Medical Center, on the southwestern outskirts of Jerusalem. The 12 Chagall Windows are made from stained […]
A highlight of any trip to Israel, the Menachem Begin Museum is the most accessible initiative of the Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation. A visit to the Begin Museum, located in Jerusalem, not far from the Old City, is a multi-media museum experience, similar to Jerusalem’s Herzl Museum and the Palmach Museum in the Ramat Aviv […]
Herzl Museum In a way that entertains as it informs, the Herzl Museum demonstrates how Theodor Herzl’s devoted political activities eventually led to the establishment of the modern State of Israel. Located on the grounds of Jerusalem’s Mt. Herzl national cemetery, the Herzl Museum is an important destination on your trip to Israel. A single […]
On the news, back home, all you hear about Israel is the conflict, the politics, the strife. When you’re here vacationing in Israel with your Israel group tour, all you experience are the amazing people you meet, their rich, deep personalities, the calm, breathtaking scenery, the fantastic cultural events, and the depth of ancient history. […]
The tombs of the Sanhedrin are located in the ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem neighborhood of Sanhedria, in a small shady park. Many refer to this landmark as “the Tombs of the Judges.” These tombs are first mentioned by Rabbi Jacob the Emissary in 1235, who calls them the “Tombs of the Righteous,” where many wise and righteous […]
While exploring the rocky plateau of northeast Jerusalem, you will encounter a huge, mysterious structure, known as Kubur Bani Yisra’il (Arabic for the tombs of the Children of Israel). Archaeologists found that the tombs date as far back as to around 2000 BCE. Some say it is the territory that was once allocated to the […]
At the foot of the Mount of Olives lies the sacred tomb of Zechariah. Zechariah’s tomb is considered to be a great symbol of the Holy City for two reasons. The first is that the Mount of Olives is the place where the Messiah will take his first steps; and the second is the fact […]
Among the most ancient sites in all of Jerusalem is the Mount of Olives. Situated to the east of the Old City of Jerusalem, the mountain has been home to a Jewish cemetery for close to 3,000 years. The cemetery is still in use today and remains the most important Jewish cemetery in the entire […]
A stroll through the Me’ah She’arim neighborhood in Jerusalem is a visual and culturally eye-opening highlight of many trips to Israel. The neighborhood serves as the primary hub of ultra-Orthodox life in Jerusalem, and the main drag, called Me’ah She’arim Street, is lined with Judaica shops, bookstores, kiosks and places to eat that evoke the […]
The question is not whether you should visit Jerusalem, but how you will manage to leave! Jerusalem is both the ancient and modern capital of Israel and blends together the old and new in a tapestry of experiences. Visit the Old City and wander through its different quarters; touch the Western Wall and feel the […]
Hutzot Hayotzer Artists Colony Two years after the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, a no-man’s land between the New and Old City of Jerusalem was transformed into an artist’s colony. It contains studios and galleries of 24 carefully selected Israeli artists creating in both traditional and contemporary styles in the diverse art fields of Painting, […]
Nachlaot is a quaint Jerusalem neighborhood established in the late 19th century and still retaining its old-world charm. Wander through the narrow alleys and marvel at the historic houses, courtyards and small synagogues. Nachlaot is in the center of Jerusalem, right between the bustling Mahane Yehuda shuk and the Ben-Yehuda shopping district, but the neighborhood […]
Jerusalem’s Tisch Zoological Gardens, also known as the Biblical Zoo, offers animal lovers of all ages an up-close and personal look at the animals mentioned in the Bible, as well as other popular zoo animals. This modern zoo showcases animals in their natural habitats — wide open spaces where the animals can roam freely, rather […]
Israel’s national cemetery, Mt. Herzl is named for Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism, who is also buried there. Mt. Herzl is located in western Jerusalem, not far from Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. These two memorials make the area a poignant destination for all visitors to […]
Machne Yehuda “Shuk” (Market) Jerusalem’s bustling outdoor marketplace is a popular attraction for Jerusalem locals and tourists alike. Locals visits Machne Yehuda or simply, “the shuk” (meaning “market”) to haggle with the 250+ vendors for the best prices on fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, cheeses, spices, wines, baked goods, house wares, clothing, and Judaica; while […]
Haas Promenade (Tayelet) The Haas Promenade (Tayelet) is located in Talpiyot, and from the apex, visitors are able to get a breathtaking look of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Biblical tradition holds that at the site of the promenade, Abraham was shown the site of Mount Moriah for the binding of […]