Blog Archives

Ayalon Institute Bullet Factory

January 10th 2015

More than meets the eye, the Ayalon Institute Museum is located north of the central Israeli city of Rehovot. On the surface, this area was used for training young people for idyllic and pastoral kibbutz life. Above ground, there was a fully functioning kibbutz, which was built in just 22 days, complete with housing, a […]

The Weizmann Institute

January 2nd 2015

If you’re fascinated by science, you’ll want to schedule a visit to the world-famous Weizmann Institute of Science the next time you’re touring Israel. Hundreds of scientists, laboratory technicians and students are hard at work here, unlocking the puzzles of nature every day. The research university is Israel’s only public institution of higher learning to […]

Ayalon Institute – Awesome!

May 17th 2011

Stories of the kibbutzniks that came up with ingenious ideas for how to fortify their homeland are enough to take our breath away. Add in a secret operation underground to make a bullet factory for an upcoming expected war, posing as a bakery, and you’ve got the stuff that wins Academy Awards for its sensational […]
