Israel Wine Festival
May 23rd 2011
The Annual Israel Wine Festival in Jerusalem
There’s nothing that says a good Jewish time like some a satisfying gulp (or sophisticated swirly) of wine.
Gone are the days when Manishevitz was our signature drink. Israel has boosted its wine production to a superior degree, offering its residents and the world, wine that is of the most regal quality.
August 14-19th will be the perfect time to travel in Jerusalem and relax in the shade thesculpture garden of the Israel Museum. There at night will be hosted its annual wine festival. Light, elegant jazz music will be playing in the background as you receive your wine glass with the Festival ticket purchased.
If you’re in the mood for traveling to the source of this grape delicacy and your vacationing in Israel has become a wine-obsessed adventure, find yourself in the north at the Golan Heights Winery, awarded by Vinitaly International Wine Competition as the best wine producer in the world, which with its 105 jury members selecting from over 1,000 wine-makers from 30 countries around the world, is no easy feat.
What is the Jewish obsession with wine anyways? Why can it be found at every Jewish event; the bris (the baby’s first venture into this alcolochic journey), at the traditional kiddushes across America, and of course the Passover four cup bonanza?
One thought, by the great Jewish Rabbi Rabbi Hiyya, is that “ When wine comes in, the secrets come out”, meaning that a person’s inner essence, inner thoughts, feel free to expose themselves.
A beautiful thought, especially if your insides have some good things to share. When surrounded by tons of Israel tourists and strangers, sounds like it could be a good time indeed. And who knows what secret information you can learn from your Israel tour guide!
If you are on an Israel bar mitzvah tour or Israel bat mitzvah tour, your child can learn about the proper kosher atmosphere of wine indulgence in appropriate doses, of course.
So come on up this August to the wine gathering at the Israel Museum, in the heart of the country, Just make sure that you are aware of the divine secrets you might be spilling to other members of your tour group, and it will be smooth sailing from there on out.