And Now For Something Completely Different: The Weird & The Wonderful In Israel

March 4th 2016

Tired of the same nature hikes, historical tours, and architecture talk? If you’re in Israel this year and looking for something wild, crazy, and totally different, then check out these interesting locations. If you can tick off all of them, well then you’re a more daring individual than most!

Tel Aviv Water Fight

Tel Aviv always has something unusual going on, so it’s a great place to start your tour of the strange. If you’re here in the summer time, then the Tel Aviv Water Fight is a must do activity that will amuse, amaze, and refresh you all at the same time. Every year thousands of citizens, tourists, and the rest get together in the city that never sleeps for a colossal water fight extravaganza. Stand in awe, but not for too long, as people squirt water guns, water balloons, bazookas, and any other kind of ammunition in an attempt to drench as many people as they can. Head over to Kikar Rabin, wear your beach clothes, and prepared to get soaked.

White Night in Tel Aviv

Are you a party animal? Well let’s see if you have the stomach for this annual festival called Layla Lavan (White Night). It’s a pumping, action-packed party held in Tel Aviv every June, and the fun goes on all night long. There are concerts with music blaring, beach parties, and exciting events taking place every hour of the night. Get your dancing shoes on (the comfortable ones, you’re in it for the long haul), and get ready to party!

Snake Massage

Speaking of animals, how do you feel about snakes? Even if you aren’t terrified of these slithering creatures (like yours truly!) the words relaxed, soothed, and stress-free probably aren’t your first thoughts on the matter. Ada Barak is the originator of this outlandish idea, and the spa located in northern Israel’s Talmei Elazar is gaining popularity among the bold and daring. So what’s the deal? Non-venomous snakes are placed onto the visitor’s back, stomach, and even face! The subtle but strong back and forth force of the snake’s movements are therapeutic and according to some clients, actually quite soothing! The massage encourages blood circulation and releases the tension trapped within deeper muscles.

There is something beautiful about the ancient world sewn into the fabric of Israeli culture, but shaking things up a bit with something new, random, and totally insane is a great way of getting the best of all worlds. Give it a try, if you dare.
