Comedy, Israel Style
January 4th 2011
A little Jewish humor goes a long way.
Everyone knows that the Jewish people rule in their deep grasp on the absurdities and peculiarities of life, expressed in the unique, sarcastic, one-liners classic of the Hebraic faith. That’s a fancy way of saying “we’re pretty funny.”
So while in Israel, how can you get a taste of that (besides on the bus, in the shuk, and out of every chutzpadik Israel’s mouth)? Where can you grab a beer, or a cocktail, sit back in some sunken comedy club, laugh uproariously, and be a part of the obnoxious audience peanut gallery?
Tourists in Israel are heading on down to Off the Wall Comedy Basement, located in a hidden cranny underground, right off of the bustle of Ben Yehuda nightlife.
David Kilimnik, Jerusalem’s famous comedian, will meet you with all the Jewish style, self-deprecating humor you can handle, spinning off jokes that will make your mouth drop open. Catch his classic, original comedy routines “Find me a Wife” and “The Aliyah Monologues.”
There’s something for everyone at Off the Wall, and if you are feeling depraved of good, old fashioned, karaoke crooning ( including Women’s Only night), you have found the right place ( bring your ear plugs just to be safe. Karoke is a dangerous sport). Check out their weekly calendar to catch the latest additions, including Open Mic Poetry Slams, Young Comedians Night, and Open Mic Music nights.