Amazing Ways to Beat the Winter Blues in Israel

December 2nd 2016

Israeli winters aren’t always rainy, but since this is a desert climate, people actually spend these months praying for a downpour. So don’t be surprised if you see Israelis dancing in the street as the frigid moisture comes cascading down in torrential waves!

Of course, if you’re a tourist, you might not appreciate the blessing behind the raindrops or the promise within the glacial gusts of wind. If the cold weather is raining on your parade, then check out these fun spots that’ll pick up your Israel vacation in a jiffy!

Off The Wall Comedy Club

The Off the Wall Comedy Club is a great way to chase away those winter blues. The comedians are actually funny, so they’ll get you laughing (always a health boost!), and you can find routines in both Hebrew and English, so you’ll feel right at home in this cozy comedy basement.

Grab a drink from the friendly bartender, order a piping hot side of nachos, and settle down for an evening of laughs and good times with friends (you never knew you had!).

The comedy club is conveniently located in the center of Jerusalem (34 Ben Yehuda, at the corner of King George – down the stairs, under Bank Leumi), so you can grab a bus or train from nearly anywhere and be there in a flash. And if you’re very bold, they even host late night karaoke every night, with special ladies only nights each Monday.

Biblical Natural History Museum

You might have been to the Museum of Natural History in NY and been amazed. But the Biblical Natural History Museum is a whole other ball game! This museum is dedicated to bringing Biblical history alive through the various natural phenomenon mentioned throughout the text. Tourists will enjoy viewing the actual snails mentioned in the Talmud that make the techailet for tzitzit, get up close and personal with a boa constrictor, and see various forms of shofars according to the opinions of the Torah. Based off of extensive research and teachings of Rabbi Natan Slifkin, all the exhibits are hands-on and highly documented, bringing authenticity to some fascinating parts of the Bible like never before.

That’s just the beginning! Keep reading our other articles to find more great ideas for keeping warm and entertained this winter in Israel.
