5 Places You Need to Visit in the New City of Jerusalem
January 25th 2015
Outside the Old City of Jerusalem lies the rest of Jerusalem. Here are our top five not-to-be-missed destinations in the parts of town that lie beyond the walls of Suleiman the Magnificent.
The World’s Most Important Holocaust Museum
Yad Vashem uses testimony from survivors and artifacts from victims to tell the story of the Holocaust from
the perspective of the Jewish communities in Europe. Walk through the museum’s ten galleries as the horrors of World War Two build to a climax. Especially noteworthy is the haunting Children’s Memorial, a somber tribute to the 1.5 million Jewish children who were murdered in the Holocaust.
The Most Famous Part of the Massive Israel Museum It would likely take you several days to see every exhibit of the Israel Museum, Israel’s largest art and history museum. The most famous hall of the museum, though, is the Shrine of the Book, where the Dead Sea Scrolls are housed and displayed. The building was designed to resemble the clay pots in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in Qumran. A self-guided audio tour teaches museum guests about the culture of ancient Israel at the time the Dead Sea Scrolls were written.
The Battle for the Reunification of Jerusalem
Even though Israel declared independence in 1948, Jerusalem was not unified until 1967. The battle at Ammunition Hill was a grueling but ultimately decisive one for the Israeli troops. A documentary about the battle, in which 36 Israeli paratroopers were killed, is screened with the aid of 3D models and colored lights, allowing visitors to experience how the battle for Jerusalem was won. Walk through the Jordanian trenches to get a feel for the conditions under which the brave Israelis fought.
Nothing Says “You’re In the Middle East” Like the Shuk
Machne Yehuda, the primary outdoor market in Jerusalem, is a festival of color, sound, scent and taste. Stalls
selling fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, meats, nuts and dried fruits, cheeses, spices, wines, baked goods, housewares, clothing, Judaica and more operate next to boutique restaurants, jewelry stores and craft stalls.
All Roads Lead to the Midrechov
Ben Yehuda Street, in the very center of Jerusalem, is a pedestrian mall (a “midrechov” in Hebrew). Lined with small shops selling clothing, souvenirs, Israeli-themed t-shirts, candy, jewelry and Judaica compete with a wide range of street food and sit-down restaurants. Frequented by tourists and locals alike, its central location makes Ben Yehuda Street perfect for street performers, artists displaying their wares as well as the occasion political rally.
The Jerusalem’s Old City and New City comprise one amazing, vibrant capital. Let us help to show you around!