6th Annual Swim4Sadna
May 6th 2015
On Friday, June 5th, women from across Israel and around the world will be gathering at the shore of the Sea of Galilee, ready to swim across as part of a fantastic charity event. You too can find your way to helping out those in need at the Swim4Sadna swim-a-thon. Another way to give back, and also get a refreshing exercise in while you’re touring in Israel (swim off those falafel calories)!
Sorry guys, this event is for women only.
There are so many amazing organizations to get involved with in Israel. This one, Sadnat Shiluv, is another to add to the list. Its mission is to help those with special needs integrate as fully as possible into the community. They work with those with special needs from kindergarten all the way through adulthood, giving them the tools and the encouragement to succeed in all levels of work and schooling.
How successful has the Swim4Sadna been in the past? Eac year, over 300 women have gathered to swim and have raised money to build a thriving community for over 20 young adults with special needs a place to live, work, study, be an active participant in the community, and lead thoroughly independent lives.
Imagine in your Israel vacation being a part of something this significant, changing lives and helping build the framework to empower Israeli youth with special needs.
This isn’t your average swim-a-thon. This June 5th, find yourself at the largest freshwater lake in Israel, also affectionately known as the Sea of Galilee. With a total area of 64 square miles, there’s plenty of room for you and all of the delightful women on your Israel group tour.
If you are on a private Israel tour or Israel bat mitzvah tour, this event is a perfect female bonding experience for mother and daughter, with women from all over Israel participating in such an important fundraiser.
Note to all you ecologists out there and banana lovers- the fertile land around the Kinneret is key agricultural territory for Israeli banana growing.
For those of you wary of competition, no worries. This is not a race, so feel free to go at your own pace. Choose between 1.5 and 3.5 k. You don’t have to be a trained swimmer to participate, and there are floats and boats in the water to help everyone have a fun and safe experience.
And for those who don’t want to swim: Thursday night, June 4th, there will be a “Fitness and Fun” event at Tzemach beach for women participating – and for those who come just to cheer them on. Zumba, Yoga, water slides, a delicious dinner and even camping on the beach are included!
Help make a difference in people’s lives. Swim4Sadna this June 5th.
Travel in Israel never felt this good.
For more information about the Swim4Sadna on June 5th or the Fitness and Fun Event Thursday evening, visit: http://sadnat-shiluv.co.il/swim4sadna/swim4sadna/, or visit http://swim4sadna.org/?lang=en#/swimmer-register/welcome to register.